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MAPFRE RE DO BRASIL, awarded with the prize Asegurador Brasil

These prizes, awarded in different categories, highlight the entities’ performance in the insurance and reinsurance market. In order to give these recognitions, a technical assessment is done by one of the main specialists in the sector: the economist, Luiz Roberto Castiglione.

MAPFRE RE has presence in Brazil since 1996 and it has shown its permanent compromise with the market since then. In 2009 and after the opening of reinsurance in the country, MAPFRE RE DO BRASIL was registered as local reinsurer. Its main aim is to attend the increasing coverage demands in the market. After two years of intense activity, its clients portfolio has a great number of insurers and brokers, and they are offered solvency, service and professionalism. This makes MAPFRE RE occupy a leadership position in the country.

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